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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 Anning Class

Welcome to Year 1! This is our first term together!

Please see the curriculum overview below (at the top of the blue download tabs) to get a feel for our learning in the Autumn term. I am very excited to be teaching Year 1 for the first time, and I am sure we will have lots of fun this term. As it is going to start getting colder this term, please make sure your child is sent in with a coat as our break and lunchtime will still have play outside (weather dependent). Please see below for other class notes. 

Kind regards,

Molly Whitaker

In Year 1 we have...

Miss Whitaker - Class Teacher

Mrs Hurst - Assistant Teacher

Mrs Moss - Teacher (PPA cover) 


Class Routines

When the children come into class at 8:45, they start the day with a ‘Good Morning Challenge’ which is creative writing, so it is really important that they arrive promptly please. Reading books should be brought in daily, even if they are not being changed, as they may still be asked to read with an adult during the day.

We stop for break at 11:00 and lunch is from 12:15 to 13:15. At the end of the day, I shall bring the class out of the classroom door to the KS1 playground and hand them over when I see you or the grown-up responsible for your child. Please remember to contact the office if someone different is picking up your child as I cannot hand them over to someone not on your approved list.


PE is on a Thursday and Friday so please bring PE kits in for then.

Water Bottles and Lunch

Please make sure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. They are kept in the water bottle box, can be refilled throughout the day and are taken out at break and lunchtime.

School lunches can now only be ordered online in advance, so please make sure you order in enough time! Children in Key Stage 1 are all entitled to a free school lunch and we provide fruit for the children at break time.


We will provide all stationery for our lessons in school, but they might need access to stationery at home for some of their homework. 


Homework will be set on a Friday and is due in by the following Friday. This will consist of a mixture of regular reading, maths, and spelling. Maths will set via MyMaths ( children’s log in details for these websites will be stuck on a label in their reading records, when introduced. Reading will consist of a weekly book that the children have read in school in line with our phonics programme. Please celebrate this with them and encourage fluency and deeper discussion about the topics within the book. There are questions to support this in the book cover. Spellings will be sent via their yellow spelling book. There are many exciting ways to learn them stuck on the front pages. I wonder how may different ways you can try? 

Each week, your child will also bring home a book from our school library. This is a book to share purely for the pleasure of reading and is not intended for decoding.

Cock Lane, Bradfield Southend, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 6HR

0118 974 4304