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Computing at Bradfield CE Primary

Through our teaching of the computing curriculum, we intend to develop responsible, digitally literate children who are equipped to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The curriculum will teach children key knowledge about how computers and computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed. 

We consider information technology, digital literacy, computer science and online safety as essential life skills necessary to fully participate in the modern digital world. We want our students to develop into competent operators of technology, who are able to adapt, understand and make responsible and discerning use of the technology around them.

Our computing curriculum, which follows the Kapow scheme of work, was chosen because it aligns with our aim to instil a sense of enjoyment around using technology and to develop pupils’ appreciation of its capabilities and the opportunities it offers. Exploring and enjoying software and programs is part of the ethos of our lessons as we believe this is an important way to develop pupils’ confidence when encountering new technology, which is an increasingly important life skill in an ever-evolving technology landscape.

Across our KS1 and KS2 computing curriculum, pupils are introduced to a wide range of technology, including iPads, netbooks, micro:bits and interactive whiteboards, allowing them to continually practise and improve the skills they learn. 

Our Computing curriculum is organised into five key areas/concepts:

* Computer systems and networks

* Programming

*Creating media

*Data handling

*Online safety

These areas enable pupils to:

*Think critically and understand how to make informed and appropriate digital choices in the future;

*Balance time spent on technology and time spent away from it in a healthy and appropriate manner;

*Use technology to showcase their ideas and creativity, knowing that different types of software and hardware can help them achieve a broad variety of artistic and practical aims;

*Show a clear progression of technical skills across all areas of the National curriculum;

*Use technology both individually and as part of a collaborative team.

Online Safety

Internet safety is taken very seriously at Bradfield. We have an Online Safety Policy that provides guidance for teachers and pupils about how to use the internet safely. Throughout the year, pupils participate in regular online safety lessons that ensure they understand how to stay safe online and report any concern they may have when using technology. In addition, our student-led Safeguarding Committee deliver an Online Safety assembly to their peers three times per year.

Online safety is also embedded and continually referred back to within all computing lessons and any lessons involving the use of technology. We support parents to keep updated with the latest online safety advice, support and recommendations by sharing termly online safety guides as well as an online safety slot in our half termly newsletters.

If you are a parent looking for information on keeping your child safe online, please head over to our dedicated Internet Safety area on the website, where you can download a wealth of quick and handy guides.

Computing Curriculum Overview

You can download a more detailed version of this overview, as well as further information about curriculum progression, in the blue download tabs below.

Cock Lane, Bradfield Southend, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 6HR

0118 974 4304