PSHE & RSE (Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education) at Bradfield CE Primary
At Bradfield CE Primary School, our students, their learning and their well-being are at the very heart of every decision made. We create learners who are passionate, responsible and proud of their achievements. We support children to have integrity and encourage them to do what is right, even when that is hard – to not just ‘follow the crowd’ but make up their own minds and take responsibility for what they do. This enables children to grow through making choices.
Our weekly PSHE lessons, support our children to: adopt fundamental British Values, understand life in modern Britain, develop awe and wonder and be responsible citizens with strong moral standards. We also support children to be able to contribute to society, be brave, be kind to others, be resilient, and develop positive and meaningful relationships. This is supported by our ‘3 simple rules’: be kind, work hard and do the right thing. We support all children to access our teaching and learning and we make necessary adaptations to ensure all children are able to flourish and reach their true potential. Learning units are clearly devised to ensure they are relevant to children living in today’s world as it helps them understand and be equipped to cope with issues such as body image, cyber and homophobic bullying, and internet safety.
As a school we have adopted the Kapow scheme of work for all children from Year 1 to Year 6 because Kapow brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning.
Teaching strategies are varied and are mindful of preferred learning styles and the need for differentiation. Stories, scenarios, and video clips provide the opportunity for children to engage in real life and current topics in a safe and structured way. Role-play activities are also included to help children play out scenarios that they may find themselves in. There are meaningful opportunities for cross-curricular learning, in particular with Computing for online safety and Science for growing, nutrition, teeth, diet and lifestyle. The scheme provides consistent messages throughout the age ranges including how and where to access help. Kapow is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme at the same time.
The PSHE and RSE curriculum itself, is expertly and passionately supported by Bradfield's robust approach to the wider personal development of our students (new page coming soon!).
To discover more about our PSHE and RSE curriculum, please use the blue download tabs below.