Pupil Leadership
At Bradfield we develop children who see themselves as powerful agents for change in their own communities. We want our pupils to stand up for what they believe in and to advocate for others. With this in mind, our pupil leadership groups make a real and lasting impact on many elements of our school.
Our current pupil leadership groups are:
Head Boy and Head Girl
These children represent the student body in a number of ways, including representation at full governing body meetings. They meet regularly with the Senior Leadership Team, conduct tours for visitors and contribute to a regular column in our newsletter.
Pupil Parliament
The remainder of our Pupil Parliament is made up of a representative from Year 2 -5. These pupils meet regularly with Miss Davies, the headteacher, to discuss important issues for the children. They lead a regular "Democracy Time" in their classes, where they seek ideas and facilitate votes about important changes for our school.
Safeguarding Committee
Our Safeguarding Committee is made up of a student from each class in Years 2-6, who meet regularly to develop pupil and staff well-being. They also lead whole school and class assemblies on important safeguarding topics such as e-safety and sun safety.
Reception Buddies
All of our year 6 children are paired up with our new Reception children as Buddies. They help them settle into school for the first few weeks, introduce them to the school in assembly and act as guides and mentors for them for the year.
We are excited to further develop our pupil leadership groups over the coming year, when we look forward to introducing new House Captain and Play Leader roles.