School Lunches
Our school catering service is provided by Dolce Ltd. For more information please click on the attachments below or visit
To see a copy of the current menu please click on the attachment below.
Free School Meals
Parents who are in receipt of certain benefits may be entitled to claim free school meals for their children. Even if your child is an Infant and benefits from the government’s universal infant free school meals scheme it is important to register for free school meals so that your child will continue to receive a free meal when they move up into the junior classes.
The school may also be able to benefit from additional funding which will be used to provide additional support in the classroom, or to subsidise extra-curricular activities and trips.
For more information or to apply for Free School Meals click here.
Special Dietary Requirements and Allergies
If your child has a specific dietary need for a medical reason please contact Dolce to register their needs or click on the attachments below for more information.
Packed Lunches
For those children who prefer it, a home packed lunch, can be brought in. We encourage parents to follow health guidelines, to incorporate food from the main food groups and take care to avoid too much sugar or saturated fats. We request that your child only brings in water to drink.
We encourage the children to eat healthily, by promoting their awareness of food groups and how to have a balanced diet. This helps them make an informed choice at lunchtime and to take advantage of the choice provided in school.
Please note: We are a NUT FREE ZONE which helps us to keep any children with nut allergies safe throughout the school.
The school subscribes to the Cool Milk scheme which provides a carton of semi-skimmed milk daily to children whose parents have registered with the scheme. The milk is supplied free of charge up to a child’s fifth birthday, and at a subsidised cost thereafter. Please see the Cool milk website to register:
Snacks and Water
At morning break time Infant children (those in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2) may select a fruit or vegetable snack provided free of charge through the government’s Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.
Parents of Junior children (those in Years 3-6) may choose to send in a fresh fruit/vegetable snack or a healthy alternative, such as a cereal bar that does not contain chocolate, from home.
Water is always freely accessible throughout the school day, but it is very helpful if parents supply a named, sports style drinking bottle, for their children to use when they are thirsty.