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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3, Earhart Class!

Hello to you wonderful year 3s! 

In Year 3, you will have two class teachers:

Mrs Hinckley – Class Teacher from Monday to Wednesday

Mrs Peters - Class Teacher from Thursday to Friday

You can find the curriculum overview for Autumn1 at the top of the blue document tabs below.

These are the class routines...

Class Routines

When the children start class at 8:45, they start the day with a ‘Good Morning Challenge’ that is linked to our learning, so it is really important that they arrive promptly please.  The children should bring their reading book into class with them everyday so we can hear them read, and it can be changed. We stop for break at 11am and Lunch is from 12:15 to 1:15.

At the end of the day at 3:15, I will bring the children out onto the infant playground where you can meet them. Please let us know if someone else is collecting your child.

PE Day

PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and will hopefully both take place outdoors this term. Your child can bring their dirty or wet kit home with them on Fridays, so they can be washed ready for the following week. The children will need blue/black PE shorts, a white T-shirt, trainers, spare socks and a tracksuit for when the weather turns colder as PE will still take place outside, whatever the weather! It’s also useful to have a spare plastic bag to keep the trainers separate from the clothing. Earrings, watches & Fitbits will need to be removed for the PE lessons and long hair tied back.

Water Bottles and Lunch

Please make sure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. These will be kept in the classroom and can be re-filled when needed.

School lunches can now only be ordered online in advance, so please make sure you order in enough time!

Your child is welcome to bring a snack for break time, but please remember these should be a healthy choice, so no crisps or chocolate, and also, please remember to help us uphold our ‘No Nuts or Sesame' policy. Do check the ingredients carefully as some products have ground nuts in them that you may not have realised – such as Pick Up bars & Nutella!


Year 3 pupils are now required to bring their own stocked pencil case into school. Pencil cases will be kept in your child’s tray so will need to be small and flat.

Please ensure your pencil case includes the following:

  • HB Pencils
  • White pencil eraser
  • Pencil sharpener
  • 30cm ruler
  • Small selection of coloured pencils
  • Whiteboard pen(s)
  • Glue stick
  • Green biro
  • Pair of scissors

Please ensure that all equipment is labelled with your child’s name to ensure it gets back to them should anything go missing. 


The children will have their knowledge organisers to discuss (10 minutes recommended per night : one subject a night-  see below)

TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) = ( about ten minutes a night)

Reading- daily (see below).


It is SO important that your child continues to read daily. The expectation is that the children read at home daily.  Use the yellow reading log to put a comment from the adult who has heard the reader or a reflective comment from your child written in their yellow reading record. Reading is proven to help develop vocabulary, imagination, sentence structure and confidence and will support your child in their own writing. I will be asking the children to talk to me about the books that they are reading and will check during the daily registration that they have read at home.

Here's to an exciting and happy year 3!

Kind regards

Mrs Hinckley and Mrs Peters


Cock Lane, Bradfield Southend, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 6HR

0118 974 4304