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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6, Luther King Jnr Class

Hi all,

Welcome to Year 6! On this page you will find key information for the year ahead. Year 6 is an exciting time for your child as they feel more grown up and get ready to make the transition to secondary school. 

You can find the curriculum overview for Autumn 1 at the top of the blue download tabs below.

The Year 6 Team

Miss Bisley – Class Teacher

Miss Jones - Assistant Teacher

Mrs Moss - PPA cover Teacher

Class Routines

Children start class at 8:45 with a ‘Good Morning Challenge’ that is linked to our learning, so it is really important that they arrive promptly please.  We stop for break at 11:00 and Lunch is from 12:15 to 13:15. 

At the end of the day, 3:15, I will bring the children out onto the playground where you can meet them. If you are happy for your child/children to walk home by themselves then please complete a permission form from the office. Please also remember to let the office know the names of anyone else that you permit to collect your child. 

PE Day

PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays. 

For PE lessons, the children will need a blue/black PE shorts, a white T-shirt, trainers, spare socks and a tracksuit for when the weather turns colder as PE will still take place outside, whatever the weather! It’s also useful to have a spare plastic bag to keep the trainers separate from the clothing. Earrings, watches & Fitbits will need to be removed for the PE lessons and long hair tied back. Please label all items of clothing with your children’s names.

Water Bottles and Lunch

Please make sure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. The children can refill their bottle when required throughout the day.

School lunches can now only be ordered online in advance, so please make sure you order in enough time!

Your child is welcome to bring a snack for break time, but please remember it should be a healthy choice (i.e. a piece of fruit).


Key Stage Two pupils are to bring into school their own stocked pencil case. 

Please ensure your child’s pencil case includes the following:

  • HB Pencils
  • White pencil eraser
  • Pencil sharpener
  • 30cm ruler
  • Small selection of coloured pencils
  • Whiteboard pens
  • Glue stick
  • Green biro
  • Pair of scissors
  • Blue handwriting pen (Year 5/6)


Homework will mostly be accessed and completed online.  It will be set on Fridays on Microsoft Teams and due to be completed by the following Friday.  This will consist of reading comprehension, arithmetic, SPAG, TTRockstars and spellings. If you are struggling to complete this work at any point, then please do speak to me so I can support you and your child in school.


It is SO important that your child continues to read on a very regular basis. Reading is proven to help develop vocabulary, imagination, sentence structure and confidence, and will support your child in their own writing.  Therefore, I ask that you please endeavour to read with your children as often as possible for around 10 minutes at a time and record this in the yellow diary. I will also be reading with your children as much as possible in school. Please ensure that your child brings back their books regularly so they are on hand to read in school and that they are changing them once they have completed the book too.

Please do contact me with any comments, questions or concerns via the school office email or with me directly. 

I am so looking forward to this exciting year and spending time with your fabulous children.

Best wishes,

Lexie Bisley


Cock Lane, Bradfield Southend, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 6HR

0118 974 4304